December 2018: Star Hotel HOR is 40.53 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dompu Regency


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Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi (WBK) dan Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih dan Melayani (WBBM) BPS Kabupaten Dompu

December 2018: Star Hotel HOR is 40.53 percent

Release Date : September 19, 2019
File Size : 0.9 MB


The hotel occupancy rate (TPK) in December 2018 has increased compared to November 2018. The December 2018 TPK was 40.53 percent, while the star hotel ROR in November 2018 was 38.24 percent. This means an increase of 2.29 points. When compared with the star hotel ROR for December 2017 at 50.05 percent, it means a decrease of 9.52 points.

The average length of stay (RLM) of star hotel guests in December 2018 was 2.11 days. This experienced a decline of 0.26 days compared to the RLM in November 2018 of 2.37 days.

The number of guests staying at star hotels in December 2018 recorded 58,881 people consisting of 48,950 domestic guests (83.13 percent) and 9,931 foreign guests (16.87 percent).

Non-Star Hotel TPK in December 2018 was only 24.01 percent, which increased by 0.60 points compared to November 2018 with TPK of 23.41 percent. When compared with December 2017 it decreased by 3.75 points from 27.76 percent.

The average length of stay (RLM) of guests in Non-Star Hotels in December 2018 was 1.90 days, an increase of 0.31 days compared to the RLM in November 2018 of 1.59 days.
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