Indonesia's Democracy Index 2018 of NTB Province is 73.63 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dompu Regency


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Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi (WBK) dan Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih dan Melayani (WBBM) BPS Kabupaten Dompu

Indonesia's Democracy Index 2018 of NTB Province is 73.63

Release Date : October 3, 2019
File Size : 0.94 MB


  • The Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) is a composite indicator that shows the level of democratic development in Indonesia. The level of achievement is measured based on the implementation and development of three aspects of democracy, namely Civil Freedom, Political Rights and Institution of Democracy.
  • The IDI calculation methodology uses 4 data sources, namely: (1) local newspaper review, (2) document review (Perda, Pergub, etc.), (3) Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and (4) in-depth interviews.
  • IDI West Nusa Tenggara 2018 reached 73.63 on a scale of 0 to 100. This figure has decreased compared to the 2017 IDI number of 76.04. The achievements of Indonesia's democracy are still in the "medium" category. Democracy level classification is grouped into three categories, namely "good" (index> 80), "moderate" (index 60 - 80), and "bad" (index <60).
  • The change in IDI numbers in West Nusa Tenggara from 2017-2018 was influenced by two aspects of democracy, namely (1) Civil Freedom which dropped 1.12 points (from 79.40 to 78.28) and (2) Democratic Institutions which dropped 7.87 points (from 93.98 to 86.11).

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