Employment Statistics of Dompu Regency 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dompu Regency


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Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi (WBK) dan Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih dan Melayani (WBBM) BPS Kabupaten Dompu

Employment Statistics of Dompu Regency 2020

Catalog Number : 2301004.5205
Publication Number : 52050.2105
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : June 22, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.29 MB


Employment is one of the problems faced by the government. Some of the employment problems include the large number of workforce, the relatively low quality of the workforce, the unequal distribution of the workforce, and limited job opportunities. The increase in the number of the workforce is not in line with the increase in the quality of the workforce. The quality of the workforce is not only seen from the level of education, but also from health and ability to work as desired. This low quality makes the workforce not accommodated in the labor market and becomes unemployed. In addition to the quality of the workforce, the availability of job opportunities is one of the problems that are often faced. The employment sectors that are the most sought after employment opportunities are the agricultural, industrial, trade and service sectors. However, these sectors are not able to provide ample job opportunities for the large number of workers, causing unemployment.The population of Dompu Regency in 2020 based on the results of the 2010-2035 population projection is estimated at 255,569 people, with a total working age population (15 years and over) of 170,504. Of the entire working age population, 70.06 percent are in the labor force and around 29.94 percent are not in the labor force which includes school activities, taking care of the household, and other activities including income recipients, unable to carry out any activities.The total working population in August 2020 was 121,614 people (approximately 96.72 percent of the entire workforce) and the remaining 3.28 percent were unemployed1 or actively looking for work. The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) is a measure of the government's success in reducing the number of unemployed.
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